CS371p Fall 2020: Sahithi Golkonda

Sahithi Golkonda
2 min readSep 28, 2020

What did you do this past week?

For the past week, I’ve been mostly busy with career fair and recruiting stuff. The virtual format is making recruiting a lot harder, in my opinion. Also, I attended the Capital One event, and I really appreciated that Professor Downing set it up for us!

What’s in your way?

There’s not much in my way, other than my own tendency to procrastinate. My partner and I haven’t made a lot of progress on the second project yet, because we both have two exams on Monday that we had to study for. We’re planning to work on the project tomorrow after our exams, and hopefully we can get a lot done.

What will you do next week?

This week, I have a few coding challenges and interviews I have to get done. I also have to finish submitting my applications and sending follow ups from career fair, so a lot of my time is going to be taken up by recruiting. I also have to study for and take my midterms. There rest of my time will probably be spent on the project. It looks like I’ll be having a pretty busy next few days!

What was your experience of values, addresses, references and consts?

I think I’m pretty solid on values, addresses, and references, but I’m definitely shaky as best when it comes to consts. My main issue is when it comes to mixing pointers and consts; I kind of have trouble remembering when the pointer is constant, versus when the value itself is constant. I think I have to rewatch the lecture where Professor Downing went over that, to reiterate the concepts.

What made you happy this week?

Super basic, but I started playing Among Us with my friends! It’s so fun and we stayed up late over the weekend playing! Also, my team did pretty okay in the UTPC contest on Friday, so that’s kinda cool.

What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?

My tip of the week is that todo lists are so helpful! For the past two weeks, I’ve been making a todo list everyday, and it’s really helped me stay on top of my work and not miss any deadlines. I would definitely recommend it, especially because I feel like it’s a lot easier to miss stuff in the virtual environment.

